Monday, 5 March 2012

A Trouble Free Life??!

God never promises a trouble free life. But he does promise to be with you, to help and guide you through all your troubles.

I sometimes wonder why non-Christians get the impression Christians don't have any trouble/get sad/have bad stuff happening to them etc. Then I realise it's a combination of things:
1. Misinformation - the Good news is preached, with all the 'nice bits' in it and misses out the more 'unsavoury bits'
2. We are generally a pretty happy bunch! This is because despite troubles befalling our ways there is a hope, one of an eternal future that will outlast everything.

Psalm 30:4-5
Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people;
praise his holy name.
For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.

I love the Psalm's they're so real. David who wrote a lot of them, shows that he too was very human, and struggled with all the stuff that befalls us. Yet he always trusts God to do the right thing, and praises Him for it.

As Christian's we must take the long view, of eternity (a very long view!!) Therefore 2 things to remember when stuff gets you down:
1. Trust God to be in the situation, He WILL guide you if you ask.
2. Hope of a new morning - it WILL end, He promises.

To end 2 quotes I saw on Nicky Gumbel's twitter feed, the first very apt for the above, and the second also, but point three made me chuckle too! =)

'Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.'

'Jesus promised his disciples three things - to be : 1. Absurdly happy. 2. Completely fearless. 3. Constantly in trouble.'

Lord you are absolutely amazing, I'm sorry I sometimes (mainly constantly!) question your promises that fill the Bible. It's so clear when I read it that you are God and NOTHING can stand in your way, but I instantly forget it when I put down your Book and go about my daily life. I know I shouldn't separate 'daily life' and you Word. Help me Lord to combine the two much better, and constantly think of you.

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