'Nothing more exhausting than trying to gain the approval of people who are created by the same God who is in love with you.'
Do not conform to the world around. God says, 'BUT you...' are to live differently.
It's difficult sometimes to stand up and say no, I do things differently. But I've slowly learnt to be better at it. I think the main fear with anyone standing up and being different is what others will think about you. But why are you trying to gain their approval? What's it to do with them? I've also learnt that when you do stand up and be different, people are mainly quite accepting. Now whether they then are thinking that you're weird and strange, who knows, but I've noticed they don't outwardly show that they think you're strange, which is fine by me!!
Not my will, but yours God.
I used to be extremely shy. Wouldn't speak up in class, terrified of speaking to someone I didn't know, or to more than 3 people at once. Kind of difficult to be like that when you're a doctor!! 6 years of University, and God (directly and through my work/lessons at University) has (mainly) cured me of this. Looking back I think most of the problem was battling wanting inside to be the individual God made me to be and what I thought society wanted from me. The key phrase being 'what I thought....'
I still can be quite shy on occasions, but as you probably know/experienced I can quite happily talk the hind leg off a donkey to anyone and everyone if they catch a subject I love...like footy/rugby/medicine/Africa.....!!!! - Providing it's not in front of many people of course!
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