Monday 27 February 2012


It's a very extravagant word don't you think? It's supposed to be.

Apparently it's one of the most common words in the Bible - very fitting, since God is Glory.
The Hebrew word for Glory is Kabhod, meaning heaviness or weight. The Greek word, doxa, meaning good reputation, or honour.

I currently have the first 2 lines to a song written on my desktop accompanying the most amazing picture of a sunrise:
'I see the King of Glory, coming on the Earth with fire, the whole Earth sings, the whole Earth sings.'
I chuckled when I substituted the word Glory...I see the King of HEAVINESS! But thinking about it, it's true: I see the heavyweight champion of the World, that no boxer here on Earth can beat for the title.

'Coming on the Earth with fire'
When the Israelites had finished building the Tabernacle in the desert, a great cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Glory of God filled the Tabernacle. The cloud, which represented the Glory of God went before them during the day, and fire at night.

The gospel displays the Glory of Christ, and we show the world little glimpses of it when we work and live for Christ.

Lord I pray today that I will help show your Glory to others, and help me to see the struggles of this life in perspective, ‘for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all’ (2 Corinthians 4:17).

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