Wednesday 22 February 2012

Been away for a while!

It's been far too long!

Life update: Living in New Zealand, working towards residency and a training orthopaedic job, since I didn't get one in the UK.

Long term plan still the same: To be an Orthopaedic surgeon, bringing healing and hope through Jesus, to those without the access to affordable healthcare. To be married, one day to the one God has set aside for me, and provide a Godly home for our children.

This Blog is now going to be my (hopefully daily) ramblings and prayers, a public devotion to God, a way of accountability, and a way of letting people know how God is being so awesome in my life.

This is a big step, of letting go, and sharing that which has always been difficult, expressing the things going on in my head and life. God is teaching me surrender, faith, and promises.

Feel free to read or not, comments and prayers are always welcome.

To God be the Glory, Forever! =)

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