Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Just what I needed!

I saw this on someone's FB update yesterday:

Keep your head up, keep the faith... you are doing better than you think - God

So I saved it onto this webpage so I could remember it this morning.

God is amazing, just absolutely stunning!

What I also opened the internet to was the web page I get my daily quiet time off (Bible in One Year by Nicky Gumbel, vicar of HTB - Holy Trinity Brompton, UK). The title of today's quiet time is Happy Leap Year! OK, I thought.... technically I'm a day ahead of them since I'm in NZ and They're in the UK, so actually it's the 1st March (pedantic I know!) The other thought I had was, OK, where is he going to go with this?! Well, this was the first bit:

I wanted to write a brief note to encourage all of you taking part in the Bible in One Year challenge to keep going. Rick Warren has written that ‘reading the Bible generates life, it produces change, it heals hurts, it builds character, it transforms circumstances, it imparts joy, it overcomes adversity, it defeats temptation, it infuses hope, it releases power, it cleanses the mind’. I hope and pray that reading the Bible in One Year brings much benefit to your life, just as it has done to mine.

Just what I needed! My thoughts this morning when my alarm woke me up was 'uuggggggggggh, Do I have to get up now?! Just 10 more minutes!' God speaks exactly when you need and what you need, sometimes it's subtle, others times not so much! This was kind of in between, not subtle, but not quite the shouting in the face phase either. Sneaky! =)

It's only been 9 days but I know these regular, thoughtful, non rushed, quiet time mornings are building my relationship with God. To have any kind of relationship with anyone you have to talk to them, listen in return, It's happening, AMEN! These are the verses written for today's quiet time, thank you God =)

‘Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither –
whatever they do prospers’ (Psalm 1:1–3). Keep delighting in God's word

‘You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me’ (John 5:39). Keep focused on Jesus

'Now, Israel, hear the decrees and laws I am about to teach you. Follow them so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, is giving you. Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you’ (Deuteronomy 4:1–2). Keep putting God's Word into practice.

I've gad a few comments from friends who are reading these musings of mine since I'm posting them to FB. Thanks for the encouragements guys =) I'm also delighted that some of you have mentioned they're helping you. I didn't really thing God could use me like that, but AMEN! Keep the Faith guys, it's awesome, and I'm glad through me God is able to give you the encouragement you need sometimes. So today's thoughts are an equal encouragement to you all.

Keep your head up...

Keep the Faith...

You are doing better than you thought

The Ultimate Mercy of God

Pray without pretending, live without fretting, love without discriminating, speak without fearing.

Through the Mercy of God we are free to do these things. The coolest definition of Mercy I think is 'price paid'.
The price is paid for our sin which is what separates us from God. Therefore we can come to God, close to him without fear, trepidation, discrimination, pretence, because Jesus is our advocate. He is by our side and when God (rightly) judges us for our sin (lying about whether you fed the cat vs Murder -a discussion for another day!) and says to God, 'hang on a minute, take me, I'll go in his place'.

Who would do that??! Well apparently Jesus does, which is the coolest news =) I often struggle with the thought that I'm not good enough for Jesus to even want to take my place. I mean, it's probably a bit easier to take the rap for someone you like! But no, He LOVES us, so it's all the better. Because He loves us He will save us. He loves us because He loves us. If you love someone then you'd do pretty much anything for them to save them, to stop them from dying.

Even when we are struggling, God will save us. It's not a conditional love - if you do this, then I will....
It's completely UNconditional, He loves us whilst we are still sinners.

The whole New Testament, even the whole of the Bible, shows this to us. Look who Jesus hung out with, cared for, spoke to, had time for. Not the pretenders, the big wigs who thought they knew everything and were really arrogant, showed off, thinking they had it sorted.
Don't pray like the Pharisee in the temple, loud and proud - not that it's wrong to pray out loud - just that it shouldn't be for show, look at me etc. Pray like the poor widow, humbly, sincerely, honestly. God knows your heart anyway, so why pretend to the rest of the world, none of that matters...Live without fretting.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


God is Holy, which means set apart, lifted above, pure. In fact God is the Holy or Holies. THE most Holy. WOW!

‘One of the stubbornly enduring habits of the human race is to insist on domesticating God. We are determined to tame him. We figure out ways to harness God to our projects. We try to reduce God to a size that conveniently fits our plans and ambitions and tastes.’ Eugene Peterson.

But the Bible says God is Holy (see the first paragraph!), so why do we drag Him down? We can't do it, He won't let us.

'Holy refers to life burning with an intense purity that transforms everything it touches into itself.’ Nicky Gumbel.

I think why we try, by which I mean we don't necessarily do intentionally, but without thinking, is because as humans we have human brains. We just cannot fathom the absolute wonder of God, He is just too out of this world, and Holy. There is no other word. He is just too amazing, it blows our brains. We get glimpses of course, which I love, I think anyone does. Have you ever done that? It tends to happen when I'm praising God in song, or am out and about walking/cycling and see something amazing of nature. And it just hits you, BAM! W-OW! SOOOO AWESOME!

I always did like the phrase 'in the beauty of Holiness' which comes from Psalm 27 (which I actually didn't know, but first heard it in Paul Oakley's song Be lifted up)

Psalm 27:
One thing I ask from the LORD,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD

And Paul Oakley's song:
Be lifted up, be lifted up
As we bow down,
Be lifted up.
Let the heavens rejoice
Let the nations be glad
Let the whole earth tremble
For you are God
Come and worship the Lord
In the beauty of holiness

The focus of our life should be worship, the one thing (Ps 27). We find the beauty of the Lord in worshipping Him, and this lifts us from distraction, fear, anything that binds us that should not.

'We are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is our true and proper worship’ (Rom 12:1–2).
The characteristics of Holiness:
Humility - do not try to get on over anyone else
Love - Love EVERYONE
Tolerance - to people even though they are different
Discipline - But be intolerant to sin
Peace - Do not argue
Faithfulness - Do not compromise God

=S Kind of difficult, eh? But I pray with the beauty of God's Holiness, that we may with even a tiny bit of glimpsing His Holiness we can become more like Jesus everyday.

Monday, 27 February 2012


It's a very extravagant word don't you think? It's supposed to be.

Apparently it's one of the most common words in the Bible - very fitting, since God is Glory.
The Hebrew word for Glory is Kabhod, meaning heaviness or weight. The Greek word, doxa, meaning good reputation, or honour.

I currently have the first 2 lines to a song written on my desktop accompanying the most amazing picture of a sunrise:
'I see the King of Glory, coming on the Earth with fire, the whole Earth sings, the whole Earth sings.'
I chuckled when I substituted the word Glory...I see the King of HEAVINESS! But thinking about it, it's true: I see the heavyweight champion of the World, that no boxer here on Earth can beat for the title.

'Coming on the Earth with fire'
When the Israelites had finished building the Tabernacle in the desert, a great cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Glory of God filled the Tabernacle. The cloud, which represented the Glory of God went before them during the day, and fire at night.

The gospel displays the Glory of Christ, and we show the world little glimpses of it when we work and live for Christ.

Lord I pray today that I will help show your Glory to others, and help me to see the struggles of this life in perspective, ‘for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all’ (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Sunday, 26 February 2012


This morning of church I was reminded of the word Matins. This is a word derived from Latin, which I have never learned except on the odd occasion of coming across various bits of anatomy in medical school! The following in taken from that great source of wisdom – Wikipedia! Matins, or from the adjective matutinus, meaning ‘of or belonging to the morning.’

I first came across the word at the Parachute Festival (Hamilton NZ), when the Parachute Band released their new album (which is completely awesome by the way). There new album is 2 CD’s, one called Matins, and the other Vespers. The idea being, one for morning praise, and the other for the quiet reflection in the evenings. Matins and Vespers is an age old tradition of many Eastern Orthodox churches, and the Roman Catholic Church.

I just love the fact that mornings are for praise of God. It starts the morning well don’t you think? Praising His almighty name, and committing whatever befalls us that day to Him. I was reminded of it at Church this morning because the first song we sang was most definitely a praise song:
I’m casting my cares aside
I’m leaving my past behind
I’m setting my heart and mind on you, Jesus
I’m reaching my hand to yours
Believing there’s so much more
Knowing that all you have in store for me is good
Today is the day you have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
And I won’t worry about tomorrow
I’m trusting in what you say
Today is the day
I’m putting my fears aside
I’m leaving my doubts behind
I’m giving my hopes and dreams to you, Jesus

An awesome way to start the day, rejoicing that today is here, and claiming it all for Jesus.

Tomorrow I start back on the ward on Orthopaedics, which means no more random houred shifts in the chaos that is ED, and I have to be at work by about 7.30am every morning Mon-Fri. This means getting up early to do my quiet time, and this tends to be my downfall, waking up thinking, just 5 more minutes! Which inevitably eats into quiet time - doh! Therefore my prayer today is: give me the strength to get up in the morning (in time) to praise God with Matins, and commit the day before me to the Lord with my quiet times.


Saturday, 25 February 2012

Serving whole-heartedly

Today's thought is about making the most of your life, which amazingly ties in with yesterday's - Working for God and not for man.

One of the verses in my quiet time today was about a bloke called Bezalel. I have to admit I'd not heard of him before, but it turns out he's the chap who built the Ark. So a pretty important dude if you ask me! He was a sculpture, and 'made everything the Lord had commanded Moses' Exodus 38:22. He accomplished great things, and worked as part of a team, he was filled with the Spirit of God. There are many talented people out there in the world who don't have the Spirit of God, but how much greater would they be if they were? 'Hearts touched and lives changed.' Bezalel's key to success was his heart for God.

Mark 8:14-9:1 Is about taking up our daily cross, abandoning life into the service of God. 'Whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.'

A few years ago when I finished medical school, I went to Soroti, Uganda with a friends charity, TESS, (Teso Education Support Services). This charity finds sponsors in the rich world for the poorest secondary school aged kids in Soroti's surrounding area. The sponsorship money of these kids pays their school fees, to enable education and therefore a better future for them. Any extra money is spent on things they need like blankets, uniform, exercise and text books, medical care if they fall ill. Once a year a 'retreat' or get together of these sponsored children occurs. They learn life skills like how to earn money from a small business, how to make mud ovens, which last longer than burning expensive and hard to get charcoal/wood,they go to seminars teaching them about various life topics, which they don't get at school. The leaders of the charity take a team out every 6 months to visit the kids and ensure they are OK, and to take letters from their sponsors to each individual child.

When I was there, I helped by seeing each sponsored child (there were about 250 at the time) and ensuring they were healthy. It was my first outing as a real doctor (as I had passed medical school only a few weeks before!) I saw simple problems like malaria, typhoid, and pneumonias. I also saw the complicated - stuff I'd read only one or two sentences on in med school because they were so rare like Eisenmenger's Syndrome, and pituitary tumours. By the spirit and grace of God I was able to help even the sickest of the children by referring them to the big government hospital for specialist help.

Margaret, the leader of TESS, who took us out to visit the kids spoke to each group of sponsored kids patiently and kindly. Her purpose on this visit was to encourage the kids in striving for achievement in what they were really good at. Unfortunately in Uganda and many other African nations, when the children get to secondary school age they are pushed towards taking science subjects either by the teachers or parents since science jobs are where the money is. Not all are good at sciences. Margaret told them the parable of the talents. Using the gifts God has given you for his good. For some that was carpentry, metalwork, cooking, the arts, humanities, and not sciences.

God gives each of us different gifts, it tends to be the things we enjoy in life, and are 'naturally good at.' It does no good for me to lament I'm no good at languages when I have gifts of being a surgeon. I should make the most of my life, give it all back to God. With the help of others (who are good at building things!) I can create a hospital in Africa and heal the disabled. I don't need to be fluent in the local language (although it would help), I only need to be fluent in my practical skills as a surgeon to heal them. Bezalel had a team of people helping him, so the things he wasn't so good at could be done by someone who did have that particular skill.

2 lines from the song Your love never fails:
You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes

God was faithful to Bezalel in his skills, he will be faithful to us.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Everything for God

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Proverbs 16:3

I still don't know quite how I'm going to get where I finally want to be, but if I continually commit my work to the Lord, then it will happen. The goal of being an orthopaedic surgeon still seems really far off, and I know the steps I have to take, but currently it all seems so slow.

To be an orthopaedics surgeon in Africa, I need at least a few years as a consultant/SMO

To be an SMO I have to have done at least 6 years as a registrar.

To be a registrar I need to have been accepted for a job somewhere in NZ.

To be accepted in a job I have to have applied for a job

To apply for a job I have to have residency

To have residency I have to have filled in the forms, get a UK police certificate, medical certificate, and chest XR - This is my current step.

It all seems so slow and frustrating sometimes.

But God is awesome, amazing, brilliant, and King of absolutely everything. I wasn't entirely sure what God was trying to say to me in my quiet time today, but suddenly just now, I know. It ties in quite nicely with the steps I have to take to be a surgeon that I wrote above.

Quiet time was about the word: Multiplication. 'What cannot be achieved by addition, God does by multiplication. We reap what we sow, only many times more. What we give to the Lord, he multiplies.'

We should give what we have, and watch as Jesus multiplies the resources.

This of course should be applied to all of life, and not just work!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Hearing God

I grew up in a Christian environment. Went to church most Sunday's and learnt that Jesus loved me and if I believed He was rue I'd go to heaven. but it wasn't until I was 15 that I really understood the message a 'properly' became a Christian.

Even then after that amazing week at a youth camp in Wales, I was never too sure what 'hearing God' meant. Did that mean I would actually hear a booming voice from heaven when He wanted to say stuff? I just didn't get it.

I have since learnt, which took several years to understand (I'm slow I know!), that God is the still small voice in the craziness of life. You have to sit and listen...quietly...which I'm REALLY bad at! I always need to be doing stuff, on the go, except when I'm tired, then I just fall straight to sleep! God will speak directly to your heart. Mainly through the words you read in the Bible, which is why quiet time is paramount!

God also talks through coincidences, or if you want to be a little but cheesy...God-incidences =) Mainly for me this is what other people say either at church up front, or in conversation, and suddenly it's WOAH! That spoke right into my situation, how did you know?! Mostly they don't know, but God let you hear that person for a reason.

I still struggle sometimes believing whether it's God I'm hearing or not. But that's the Devil poking his nose in, trying to discourage and wangle his way into what isn't ever his, nor ever will be. The devil tries to create distrust, worry, guilt, and anxiety. I have to remind myself that what God says will always be good, and not for evil. Psalm 25:

We can be sure that God will only ask us to do ‘what is right’ (v.9a). The test of whether the guidance comes from God is whether what we are being asked to do is ‘loving and faithful’ (v.10a). God will never ask us to do something that is unloving or unfaithful. ‘All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful’ (v.10a).

God will always send us in the right direction, we just have to LISTEN.

This entry is based on my thoughts about my quiet time today. I'm reading through Nicky Gumbel's Bible In A Year website. It's only the second day on Lent, but I feel God's presence closer than I've felt for a while. Why? Because I'm doing a quiet time when I wake up =)

'It is often when we fail to spend time alone with Jesus that we more easily succumb to temptation.'

Today I pray I will seek God's still small voice earnestly and hungrily every day, that I will know Him more, and love Him with all my heart, through my actions as well as in my head. I want to experience this, not just know the knowledge.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Just Surrender...

So it’s the beginning of Lent.

Every Lent, for the past approximately 10 years I have always tried to take up something rather than the ‘traditional’ give up something. This something has always been attempting to dig deeper into God and really persevere with a daily quiet time and really listen to God. As always it seems to work well for the 40 days, and then slowly fades over the year till Lent comes round again.

How apt that Nicky Gumbel’s Bible in one year website, which I have been using as my quiet time (on and off!) over the last year, has ‘The Quiet Time’ as the title of the first day of Lent. It goes through Psalm 25, verse 5&7 says: ‘Take me by the hand; Lead me down the paths of truth ... plan only the best for me, God!’ Also Mark 6:30-56 which is the story about the feeding of the five thousand, and brings an aspect I haven’t thought about before. We all know the story of how God provides for the crowd, but what about afterwards? Jesus teaches the disciples the priority of having alone time with Him. They were in the boat after, getting away from the crowd and it describes how the sea was a bit choppy and windy. Jesus gets into the boat and everything calms down:
‘As Jesus climbed into the boat with them, ‘the wind died down’ (v.51). We see a picture of the difference Jesus makes to our lives. It is a real uphill struggle unless we are conscious of Jesus’ presence with us.’

Over the past few months since not long before Christmas I have felt particularly far from God. Now I know this is my doing not His. I know in my heart He is right there, but it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. Last Sunday at church the sermon spoke right to me. I have a CHOICE. Follow, or not to follow. I’m never too brilliant with words and constantly struggle to express how I feel. This is why I love music so much – it tells the world how I feel either with words or just through the sheer beauty of notes combined into chords. It also has the added bonus that if I realise ‘those words are exactly what/how I feel’ I’m not the only one! That’s kind of reassuring! I bought 2 new albums yesterday from a couple of favourite bands (Christian of course!) and here are some lyrics which have captured my heart, and tells the world how I’m feeling:

There’s a me that I don’t really like, a me that says I’m in control till the day that I die, and I don’t know why I push I pull I fight I fall, I end up crawling back to that place where I figure it out that I, that I, that I:
I’m second to one: redeemer, the way, the light. I’m second to one: The Saviour, no compromise. I’m laying everything at the foot of the cross my pride, my life, my all. I am second to one, and He is second to None.
There’s a change when I swallow my pride, and I surrender. There’s a peace when I open my eyes, cos I remember to live is to die, to fall’s to rise, to kneel is to find the Saviour. Here I am and I’ve figured it out tonight, tonight, tonight…
He said “You come alive when you lose your life,” So I lay it down, yeah I surrender all.

Life is hard and I know you're trying; you wear a smile but inside you're crying. When will you admit, you'll never make it on your own. You build the walls up all around you to protect you from the hurt you've been through. I'm the only one who can bring the walls to the ground. Lay down your defences; put your trust in Me.
I can heal your heart, I can comfort you. Don't resist my love, just surrender. I see your scars and I feel your fear, let me rescue you. Just Surrender, Just Surrender.
You keep denying my advances, but you'll never be out of chances. My love will follow you no matter how far you run, let me show you what you can be what it's like to live this life free. Will you take my hand and let me lead you my child?

Nothing can separate even if I run away, Your love never fails. I know I still make mistakes; You have new mercy for me every day cos Your love never fails.
You stay the same through the ages, Your love never changes. There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning. And when the oceans rage, I don’t have to be afraid because I know that You love me, Your love never fails.
The wind is strong and the water’s deep, but I’m not alone here in these open seas cos Your love never fails. The chasm is far too wide I never thought I’d reach the other side, but Your love never fails.
You make all things work together for my good.

You are good; You are good, when there’s nothing good in me. You are love; You are love, on display for all to see. You are light; You are light, when the darkness closes in. You are hope, You are hope, You have covered all my sin. You are peace, You are peace, when my fear is crippling. You are true; You are true, even in my wandering. You are joy, You are joy. You’re the reason that I sing. You are life, You are life, in You death has lost its sting.
Oh, I’m running to Your arms, I’m running to Your arms. The riches of Your love will always be enough. Nothing compares to Your embrace, Light of the world, forever reign.
You are more; You are more, than my words will ever say. You are Lord, You are Lord, all creation will proclaim. You are here, You are here, in Your presence I’m made whole. You are God, You are God, of all else I’m letting go.
My heart will sing, No other name, Jesus, Jesus.

It’s been a whirlwind adventure since deciding in that muddy Welsh field to follow the One true God, and I wouldn’t change it. It’s not over. I’m constantly learning (mostly slowly!) more of God, and I know how AWESOME He is. I need to just surrender to Him.


Just Be Still and KNOW that I am God. I can do all things through you, I AM here. Right beside you. Look and see, I am always here, just be still and KNOW. I have plans, GREAT plans for you. Plans to prosper and NOT to harm, your dreams will come true. I promise. Dry your tears my Child, Oh how I love you, ALWAYS. I am well pleased with you, my daughter.

Been away for a while!

It's been far too long!

Life update: Living in New Zealand, working towards residency and a training orthopaedic job, since I didn't get one in the UK.

Long term plan still the same: To be an Orthopaedic surgeon, bringing healing and hope through Jesus, to those without the access to affordable healthcare. To be married, one day to the one God has set aside for me, and provide a Godly home for our children.

This Blog is now going to be my (hopefully daily) ramblings and prayers, a public devotion to God, a way of accountability, and a way of letting people know how God is being so awesome in my life.

This is a big step, of letting go, and sharing that which has always been difficult, expressing the things going on in my head and life. God is teaching me surrender, faith, and promises.

Feel free to read or not, comments and prayers are always welcome.

To God be the Glory, Forever! =)