Thursday 5 August 2010

This is not just M&S roast beef, this is Mam's roast beef!

Thanks for all the kind messages I have had from friends and family :) I have now made it back to Loughborough and have stored all my stuff (that did make it into boxes!!) at my Grandmother's house. I have a fun packed day ahead tomorrow - My Nana from Lincoln and Auntie Sandra (who is currently over from Australia) are coming over tomorrow to say hello before I start my travels. Also my Mam is going to cook a big roast dinner for 9 people (the 6 of us, 2 grandparents and and an aunt) tomorrow night for my last night on English soil - Roast beef to boot - very English! I am especially looking forward to the plum bread and butter pudding afterwards :-)

Several of you have asked about my address whilst I am out there so here it is:

The Guest House
Beit CURE International Hospital
PO Box 31236
Blantyre 3

Feel free to send me snail mail - Haribo would always be appreciated! ;-)

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