I love working in a Christian hospital. There is a half hour of worship and prayers every morning, we pray without shame for the patients whilst on the ward and before we anaesthetise them in theatre, there is no fear of our seniors, we can question them about anything and we will be answered with respect and gentle encouragement. There is laughter and singing in theatre, and sometimes even dancing! Today in theatre we all sang along (quite loudly!) to Delirious' tune of over the mountains and the sea :-) whilst operating on the patient.
This month in the morning bible time we are looking at 'excellence' especially on Tuesdays where both bible groups (theatre and ward) get together. Excellence is one of the hospitals core values and is displayed over the front door - saying:
'Excellence in Orthopaedic Care'
Last week we looked at the verse in Colossians - work as you are working for the Lord and not for men. This week we are looking at Daniel - an example of excellence. Daniel was chosen for 'showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace.' The King wanted to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians. The idea is that we should be like Daniel and want to learn and to always better ourselves and strive for excellence.
Or as I have just thought - the army's motto - Be the Best!
This got me thinking about me being impatient at times with the length of training I need to do to be an Orthopaedic surgeon, but to be the best I can be I need to go through that training, otherwise I will not be able to help patients in the best way possible. God is definitely reminding me to be PATIENT!
On a learning note I saw a very interesting case today - osteogenesis imperfecta - I now need to go and read all about it so I can be quizzed on it tomorrow! We put a nail down his femur that was fractured due to his brittle bones. Unfortunately because his bones are so brittle we caused another femur fracture slightly lower down as we tried to place the nail, this too was fixed in place by the same nail once we had got it directly down the centre of the bone and it is holding well - it means however the patient will be in a hip spica plaster cast for 6 weeks to aid healing, whereas he wouldn't have needed it if the other fracture didn't happen.
We did make it to Zomba at the weekend - it was awesome :-) Very hot and scenic, hopefully we are going to Mulangje for this weekend and hike up an even bigger mountain. We bought fresh raspberries and strawberries on Zomba - very yummy.
Thank you again for all your continued prayers. And I ask another one of you - since Tuesday I have had upper abdominal pain every time I swallow either food or drink - nothing seems to help apart from not eating!! I am concerned it might be an ulcer, but that is probably just a medic being paranoid. Please pray that the pain will go as it is very frustrating even if it is nothing serious.
Bianca (one of the German gap year girls staying at the guest house and works as a play therapist for the children in the hospital) invited me on Tuesday evening to the bible study group she goes to. It was held at the McGrath's house. The McGrath's are 'mzungus' (white people!) in Blantyre and EVERYBODY knows them! They have 5 children and a huge house, and have been here for years as missionaries. They are extremely hospitable and their house is always open to anyone and everyone! I really enjoyed the bible study group - there were 6 of us all 'mzungu' who are here either permanently or for a short while. Ann McGrath (the mum!) has invited both me and Bianca over for dinner tonight before another bible study group - Bianca also goes to this one and the group apparently has 'older people in it'! The one I went to on Tuesday Bianca said was a 'youth' one - I like the fact I was counted as youth! I think I was the oldest one there but not by much :-)
Bye for now
H xx
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