Friday 20 August 2010

Pancakes and Students!

Hi guys!

I apologise if there are any spelling mistakes in this as I am typing this in the dark as the porch is the only place in the guesthouse to get internet signal and it is 6pm!

Well work is going well - Dr Sam is slowly letting me do more and more stuff in surgery - He is impressed with my suturing - he states it is very neat and I would make a good plastic surgeon :-)
I have also managed to put in K wires and reduce a dislocated shoulder under anaesthetic.

Tomorrow I have to start a series of 5 teaching sesions for the 3rd year medical students at the nearby university! I was only told this morning - eeek! It shouldn't be too bad - I have to teach them the basics of examining a hip joint and there are only 17 of them. Please pray that they will learn something from my teaching session tomorrow. I will be teaching them again next friday for their second session on X-rays. I actually quite like teaching but generally speaking only of there are 4-5 of them!

2 nights ago we made pancakes - both English and American and Emma bought marshmellows and chocolate - yummy!

Not too much else to say as yet apart from I've found a place to live in Liverpool for when I do the diploma in February - Yay!

I should sign off before I get bitten to pieces in the dark by mossies!


H xxxxxxxxxx

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