Monday 25 June 2012

Somebody's trying to be sneaky!!

So as soon as the Devil loses his grip on you he finds another angle to grind you down.

As soon as I was thinking about God's joy and love yesterday, there were thoughts about what I'm doing in New Zealand, how am I ever going to where I want to be (which is also where I feel God wants me to be) AND have a family.  I feel the niggling taunt of - 'you can't have it all.'

The first step of dealing with this is knowing it's the devil being sneaky and annoying!  I KNOW this - good, step one completed.

The second step: knowing God is on your side.  OK, I know this too, so far so good.

Step three: TRUSTING that God is on your side and will do what is right.  Errrrrr .... sometimes?!?!

Why is this so hard?  I Know this, and have experienced God's amazing power when I have trusted Him numerous times.  As one of the kids speaking yesterday in response to 'how do you know God loves us?' said: 'because it says so in the bible.'  So simple, yet sometimes so difficult.

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.' Proverbs 3:5

'Pursue your God-given vision.  Persevere through discouragement and disappointments.  Let challenges spur you on.'  Nicky Gumbel.

'Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.'  C S Lewis.

So with these thoughts I will hold on fast to what I believe.  I am where God want's me to be right here, right now.  God will fulfil His promises to me, I just require patience, above all else.  And I will not let the Devil be his sneaky self and get a foothold in me, I am God's and God's only.

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