Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Be Simple!

Prayer is the test of everything; prayer is also the source of everything; prayer is the driving force of everything; prayer is also the director of everything.  If prayer is right, everything is right.  For prayer will not allow anything to go wrong.' Theophan the Recluse (Stolen from Mike Pilavachi's Twitter feed!)

Proverbs 15: 22-30
'Refuse good advise and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed....Congenial conversation - what a pleasure!  The right word at the right time - beautiful!....He closely attends to the prayers of God-loyal people.'

I find prayer a difficult concept sometimes.  Not because I don't believe God hears me, I very much believe He does hear everything I have to say....when I actually take the time to do it!

One problem I have is that I have manage to remind myself that Jesus says to be more like little children.  I take great comfort in this especially when it comes to praying.  I have simple words, not long and convoluted (yes I needed Google to spell that word for me because spell check didn't even recognise my attempt....which I didn't think was that bad 'convelouted'??!!)  Anyway, simple childlike faith and words is what Jesus says works....awesome  =)  so why pray with such length in words, syllables, and time?  Well it's OK I guess if that's how you are and how you think, I'm sure God doesn't mind.  But I like simple, and can't verbalise well what is inside my head, which is why this blog is pretty cool - it helps, because it's typing and not verbalising, even if it does take an age and millions of spell checks!

I also struggle with the concept of actually sitting down for a set period of time for prayer.  I tend to do the whole, 'Oh by the way God...' whilst doing something else.  But in the Bible, there are tons of examples, and even Jesus himself who set aside time.  I should start to do this....a challenge!  Maybe start with 5 minutes before or after (or both??!) doing my daily study would be an awesome start.

But my main learning point today....BE LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN - SIMPLE WORDS:

God you are awesome
I love you forever
Please be with me today in all I do  =)


  1. Awesome. :) You truly are mad for Jesus. Keep on growing girl! :)


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