Thursday 28 June 2012

Being Christian is being Rebellious!

'Drinking beer is easy.  Trashing your hotel room is easy.  But being a Christian, that's a tough call.  That's real rebellion.'  Alice Cooper.

Don't be afraid of pressure.  Remember that pressure is what turns a lump of coal into a diamond.

Then Jesus went to work on his disciples.  'Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You're not in the driver seat; I am.  Don't run from suffering; embrace it.  Follow me and I'll show you how.  Self-help is no help at all.  Self sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self.  What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself?  What could you ever trade your soul for?'  Matt 16:25

Elijah went through a lot!  Ahab thought he was a real troublemaker!  (1 Kings 18: 17-19).  He rebelled against the guys following Baal and proved that God was the only one true God.  He prayed earnestly for fire, when the Baal followers shouted and danced and screamed for their god's to make fire.  Not even that He made it even harder and drenched his firewood in water!  God provided (see yesterday's blog!)  Elijah proved God was real to the Baal followers, but was exhausted, and felt abused, everyone out to get him.  'Enough of this, God!  Take my life.'  Kind of extreme in my thinking to say that but I understand he was exhausted and hitting a low.  It happens, sometimes pretty quickly after something awesome too.  I kind of feel sorry for Elijah, he had it tough!

God doesn't promise being a Christian will be easy, in fact quite the opposite.  Jesus was the first to admit it'll be tough sometimes - 'they'll persecute you as they did me'.

But God provides.....Elijah was given rest and was re-energised after 40 days and nights (I wish I could get that long sometimes!)

'God was not in a great and powerful wind, nor in an earthquake, nor in a fire, but in a gentle whisper.'  God's voice is the gentle whisper in your heart.  We need time to get away from things like Elijah did sometimes, and find that place of quiet, and peace.  That's why it's always a good idea for a daily quiet time reading God's word!  And I'm learning that through these blogs  =)

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