Saturday, 30 June 2012


Kutless - I'm With you You Tube <--- You Tube link to Kutless song below  =)

Here am I, I've tried to live without you
It's the reason I feel so far away

I understand, you see everything I go through
And listen to the broken words I pray
I know you hear me
I know you're answering me saying

Fall in my arms and let me carry you
I know you and I, we can make it through
When crashing waves pull you down in the undertow
Reach out your hand and I swear I won't let you go
I'm with you tonight

All this time you've been walking here beside me
Waiting for the day I'd call your name
So here am I walking through the darkest valley
Shine down your light so I can see
You know I'm weary
I know you're calling out to me

The key to success - read Proverbs 15:31 - 16:7!
'Listen to good advice if you want to live well....
An undisciplined self-willed life is puny, an obedient God-willed life is spacious....
Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word.
Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good.
Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place....
God can't stomach arrogance or pretence; believe me, He'll put those upstarts in their place....
When God approves of your life, even you enemies will end up shaking your hand.'

God has good plans for our lives, so when we want to make plans we should let Him in on the plan!  We need to cooperate by willing to give up things that clash with His purpose, confide in Him, consult Him.  To some that might look like a contradiction - giving up things that clash, but hang on make your own plans and tell Him about it!  Well, God gives us the freedom and responsibility to make plans.  Because we have freedom we can't just sit there and expect things to happen of there own accord....The dinner won't cook if you just look expectantly at the fridge and the cooker!  But God does relate our decisions to our future -  this is an encouragement that we can be certain God is in ultimate control.

Paul made plans very carefully, in Acts we see he decided which countries to visit. He confided in God to check what was right, and when he tried to go somewhere God didn't want him to go, God made sure he knew about it!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Be bold

Acts 18-19 Tell of Paul taking on the powers of evil with the help of the Holy Spirit.  God spoke to him telling him not to be afraid, and to keep on speaking, not to be silent.  'That was all he needed to stick it out.' (v11 Msg).  Paul was afraid, being hauled off to court on false charges, it seems he was tempted to be silent.  It is an example for us not to give up in the face of opposition.

'In the face of unjust criticism we can become bitter or better; upset or understanding; hostile or humble; furious or forgiving.'  Nicky Gumbel.

In some aspects of my work I've learned that keeping silent is better.  In the UK medical system anyway - not to blame or make excuses, you take the word bashing and be done with it.  I did that here in NZ the other day, and regretted not speaking out.  I was furious with the other person, I was upset, and even became bitter about it and hostile towards the other person (not for long though)!  The complete opposite of what I should have done.  I was given peace about the situation though.  I knew it was unjust criticism, I knew what the other person said was in no way true, and the patient got the care she needed, when she needed it, and I could take satisfaction in the fact the other person had no idea what she was talking about anyway.

The message - be bold, speak out.  In thinking about that situation though, I was too angry to probably speak out at the time, and would may be better to calm down, and then go back and say, excuse me, hang on a minute this is what is going to happen because you are wrong about what you said.

In the words of an old kids song:  'Be bold, be strong, for the Lord you God is with you'!!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Being Christian is being Rebellious!

'Drinking beer is easy.  Trashing your hotel room is easy.  But being a Christian, that's a tough call.  That's real rebellion.'  Alice Cooper.

Don't be afraid of pressure.  Remember that pressure is what turns a lump of coal into a diamond.

Then Jesus went to work on his disciples.  'Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You're not in the driver seat; I am.  Don't run from suffering; embrace it.  Follow me and I'll show you how.  Self-help is no help at all.  Self sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self.  What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself?  What could you ever trade your soul for?'  Matt 16:25

Elijah went through a lot!  Ahab thought he was a real troublemaker!  (1 Kings 18: 17-19).  He rebelled against the guys following Baal and proved that God was the only one true God.  He prayed earnestly for fire, when the Baal followers shouted and danced and screamed for their god's to make fire.  Not even that He made it even harder and drenched his firewood in water!  God provided (see yesterday's blog!)  Elijah proved God was real to the Baal followers, but was exhausted, and felt abused, everyone out to get him.  'Enough of this, God!  Take my life.'  Kind of extreme in my thinking to say that but I understand he was exhausted and hitting a low.  It happens, sometimes pretty quickly after something awesome too.  I kind of feel sorry for Elijah, he had it tough!

God doesn't promise being a Christian will be easy, in fact quite the opposite.  Jesus was the first to admit it'll be tough sometimes - 'they'll persecute you as they did me'.

But God provides.....Elijah was given rest and was re-energised after 40 days and nights (I wish I could get that long sometimes!)

'God was not in a great and powerful wind, nor in an earthquake, nor in a fire, but in a gentle whisper.'  God's voice is the gentle whisper in your heart.  We need time to get away from things like Elijah did sometimes, and find that place of quiet, and peace.  That's why it's always a good idea for a daily quiet time reading God's word!  And I'm learning that through these blogs  =)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

God's amazing provision

I love this world more than I should
It all falls short of what you're worth
How could I think I own my life
When really you're the one who paid the price
I wanna give you every breath every treasure that I hold
Oh Lord I give you everything

It's all yours anyway
You gave me life to give it away
It's all yours anyway
It's all yours

I've done my best and it's not enough
But I don't have to earn your love
Still I wanna give you every breath every treasure that I hold
Oh Lord I give you everything

Kutless Lyrics to All Yours

This was one of the songs I was listening to when running yesterday.  The new Kutless CD is awesome - highly recommended =)  I've started to really enjoy running/cycling and listening to some music when I do.  It's a time to relax and reflect, and I've started the habit of listening to Christian music when running/cycling.  And I actually really listen to the words and think about what they mean.  I know most of the time I have music on the the background of doing something else I don't really listen to the lyrics, but just hum along to the tune thinking 'yeah, good tune'!

Anyway, the song above really caught my attention yesterday.  We are SO arrogant!  To think that we own our lives.  The ultimate provision from God was that Jesus laid his life down.  And all we can do in response is surrender, we shouldn't think we are better than God trying to do stuff on our own.  He won the victory, the ultimate sacrifice.  We can't and won't ever trump that, so in good sportsmanship we should surrender to the fact God is number one.

I read this morning about God's amazing provision, and examples form the Bible.  I like the one about Elijah and the widow, she trusts when God says he will provide just enough flour and oil to make bread each day if she shares what little she has with Elijah.  And he does, she always has just enough each day.

Do we go about life trusting God to provide like that?  Think about when you were a kid and got on the bus or train with your Dad.  Did you worry all the way to the bus stop or station whether your Dad had enough money to pay to get on, or did you just automatically trust the fact that Dad knew what he was doing and paid for you to get on too?  We always used to use the bus when we were kids - for a long time before Luke (youngest brother) was born we didn't have a car.  So we got the bus into town each Saturday for the market.  I remember clearly always running onto the bus with my brother and sister ahead of my Dad or Mum to get the best seat (the back!) and just knowing they'd sort the fare out, I never once worried they didn't have the money to pay.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Be Simple!

Prayer is the test of everything; prayer is also the source of everything; prayer is the driving force of everything; prayer is also the director of everything.  If prayer is right, everything is right.  For prayer will not allow anything to go wrong.' Theophan the Recluse (Stolen from Mike Pilavachi's Twitter feed!)

Proverbs 15: 22-30
'Refuse good advise and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed....Congenial conversation - what a pleasure!  The right word at the right time - beautiful!....He closely attends to the prayers of God-loyal people.'

I find prayer a difficult concept sometimes.  Not because I don't believe God hears me, I very much believe He does hear everything I have to say....when I actually take the time to do it!

One problem I have is that I have manage to remind myself that Jesus says to be more like little children.  I take great comfort in this especially when it comes to praying.  I have simple words, not long and convoluted (yes I needed Google to spell that word for me because spell check didn't even recognise my attempt....which I didn't think was that bad 'convelouted'??!!)  Anyway, simple childlike faith and words is what Jesus says works....awesome  =)  so why pray with such length in words, syllables, and time?  Well it's OK I guess if that's how you are and how you think, I'm sure God doesn't mind.  But I like simple, and can't verbalise well what is inside my head, which is why this blog is pretty cool - it helps, because it's typing and not verbalising, even if it does take an age and millions of spell checks!

I also struggle with the concept of actually sitting down for a set period of time for prayer.  I tend to do the whole, 'Oh by the way God...' whilst doing something else.  But in the Bible, there are tons of examples, and even Jesus himself who set aside time.  I should start to do this....a challenge!  Maybe start with 5 minutes before or after (or both??!) doing my daily study would be an awesome start.

But my main learning point today....BE LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN - SIMPLE WORDS:

God you are awesome
I love you forever
Please be with me today in all I do  =)

Monday, 25 June 2012

Somebody's trying to be sneaky!!

So as soon as the Devil loses his grip on you he finds another angle to grind you down.

As soon as I was thinking about God's joy and love yesterday, there were thoughts about what I'm doing in New Zealand, how am I ever going to where I want to be (which is also where I feel God wants me to be) AND have a family.  I feel the niggling taunt of - 'you can't have it all.'

The first step of dealing with this is knowing it's the devil being sneaky and annoying!  I KNOW this - good, step one completed.

The second step: knowing God is on your side.  OK, I know this too, so far so good.

Step three: TRUSTING that God is on your side and will do what is right.  Errrrrr .... sometimes?!?!

Why is this so hard?  I Know this, and have experienced God's amazing power when I have trusted Him numerous times.  As one of the kids speaking yesterday in response to 'how do you know God loves us?' said: 'because it says so in the bible.'  So simple, yet sometimes so difficult.

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.' Proverbs 3:5

'Pursue your God-given vision.  Persevere through discouragement and disappointments.  Let challenges spur you on.'  Nicky Gumbel.

'Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.'  C S Lewis.

So with these thoughts I will hold on fast to what I believe.  I am where God want's me to be right here, right now.  God will fulfil His promises to me, I just require patience, above all else.  And I will not let the Devil be his sneaky self and get a foothold in me, I am God's and God's only.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Rediscovering the Beetroot Stain!

So I discovered today the reason I have felt so weary and tired of everything, struggling to carry on .... I have ignored God.  Not purposely, but as a side effect of a busy life!  How easy it is to do!

I haven't had 'time' to read His word daily, nor go to Church, or Bible Study .... my reasoning .... well work at the hospital is busy, I want to go biking, I want to go away for the weekend to the Sounds for my Birthday, I want to watch the Rugby, etc, etc, etc.  How poor and insignificant these reasons are when compared to the awesomeness of God.  And what a hypocrite I am!  On one hand, I sympathise with Jesus when He gets frustrated with the Disciples and Pharisees about how dumb they're being when they don't understand his parables, yet, I too am that dumb when I choose other stuff over spending time with God.

The result .... well, I am tired, worn out, frustrated at life and the things it throws at me.  That's not to say during the times when I am 'closer' to God everything goes swimmingly, but instead, things are easier because God takes the load.  Isn't it so much easier to carry the shopping when you have a friend to help you?!

I learnt today in church that God's love is like a beetroot stain!  You can't get away from it; you are stuck with it!

'Be strong.  Take courage.  DO NOT be intimidated.  Don't give them a second thought because God, YOUR GOD, is striding ahead of you.  He is RIGHT THERE with you.  He WON'T let you down; He WON'T EVER leave you.'  Deut 31:6

'Faith is not content with fleeting pleasures.  It is ravenous for joy.'  Heb 11:24

Today I rediscovered God's pure joy.  Singing the words to songs in Church and listening to the kids talk (it was a family service), and seeing the beauty of God's creation on my bike ride this afternoon, I realised where I had gone wrong this past month, I had ignored God.  My faith was not content with the fleeting pleasures of work, mountain biking, fun in the Sounds, but was ravenous for the joy of having God in my life.  I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of peace in my soul, in realising the joy of the Lord.  My faith was ravenous for that joy I had ignored, and suddenly in that split second I was satisfied; nothing more required.

The following lyrics are from a Newsboys song off one of their albums I happened to be listening  to on my MP3 player on my bike ride this afternoon ..... just as I was thinking about all of this stuff!  (God IS AWESOME, eh?!)

There's a me that I don't really like
A me that says I'm in control 'til the day that I die
And I don't know why
I push I pull I fight I fall
I end up crawling back to that place where I figure it out
That I, that I, that I

I'm second to One
Redeemer, the Way, the Light
I'm second to One
The Saviour, no compromise
I'm laying everything at the foot of the cross
My pride, my life, my all
I'm second to One
And He is second to NONE!

There's a change when I swallow my pride
And I surrender, there's a peace when I open my eyes
'Cos I remember
To live's to die, to fall's to rise
To kneel's to find the Saviour, here I am and I've figured it out
Tonight, tonight, tonight

These lyrics just sum up everything that I thought about over today.  The first verse being the way I have been over the last month or so, and the second verse how I feel now: a 'change when I swallow my pride...a peace when I open my eyes...because I REMEMBER, To live is to die and to fall is to rise...'

The last bit of advice I give myself today:
'Don't over complicate God's will.  Just stay connected to Jesus.  Love Him.  Look into His eyes.  He will lead.  Follow.  Repeat.'  Louie Giglio.

Oh, and:  Remember Psalm 91!
That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you —
under them you're perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.
Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
not disaster that erupts at high noon....
....Yes, because God's your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can't get close to you,
harm can't get through the door.
He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they'll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling....
...."If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God,
I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party."