Another week gone - eeek! I've been here 6 and a half weeks now! In some ways it feels like years, and in others it seems like a few days. The photo that will hopefully appear above after my dinosaur of a computer and the slowness of African internet combined decides they have enough strength to upload it. Unfortunately it has already failed in uploading the pictures to Facebook. I will try the whole FB photos again but it will probably be limited to 2-3 at a time. I really want to show you all some photos as the views on the top of the mountain were amazing and Hollie took some good ones of me operating last week. Also I think photos help you all know who I'm talking about! (Hence the photo above - back row: Nathan McGrath, Hollie Sapsford, Tim Jones, Seth Miller; middle row: Phil Grunder, Stephanie, Me; front row: Martyn McGrath, Camilla McGrath, Sharon Miller)
Well I went up Mulanje again :-) It was awesome fun, more than last time because I knew I could make it and I went with a big group of people (10 in all). I went with my Tuesday Bible study group + 2 younger siblings of the group, and a friend of the McGrath family. We went a different way to last time and stopped 2 nights, the first night after we climbed up to the plateau and then the second night after we had hiked across the plateau, and then the third day we trekked down and had pizza at a restaurant at the foot of the mountain - very yummy! Surprisingly my muscles don't ache in the slightest, but I do have some blisters on the feet and rather bad sunburn :-( I put cream on when I was still wearing my t-shirt and didn't think to add cream to shoulders and back when I took it off and wore my vest top instead - DOH! Please pray for it's quick healing as I'm struggling to sleep with the pain at the moment.
I am really blessed with a good group of friends (see above picture) and thank God that I am now calling the place I live in home. It even looks like home now as I have put photos and hangings up on the walls in my room and have my Ugandan throw over my bed. It is still strange sometimes though and the realisation that I'm in Africa only hits me when I see a strange orthopaedic condition in the hospital or ride in one of the minibus taxis that are packed to the roof with passengers and chickens or when there is a power cut just when someone comes round in the evening for dinner!
I am on call again this coming Sunday so no exciting trips around Malawi - but maybe a browse around a coffee and book shop not far from the guest house and some shopping at the local market for vegetables.
I'm hoping to be able to go on one of the many outreach clinics the hospital does all around the country soon, maybe in a couple of weeks to Dowa which is in central Malawi.
That's all for now folks....!
H xxxxxxxx
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