Eeeek! Malawi is getting ever closer! I'm getting so excited now :o)
Unfortunately this means I'm getting ever more frustrated and annoyed in my current job and just want it all to be over so I can go. It is hard to stop and think to remember that patience is needed and that I should always rely on God. There is still reason for me to be on the Vascular ward for the next month and a half, and I should embrace everyday and learning opportunity.
My daily reading yesterday spoke of praying the Lord's Prayer everyday and that we should really think about the words - we are to be praying that God's Will should be done each day. What does that mean - God's Will? Well in relation to my work I believe that means being patient and taking every opportunity to show his love as there is a reason I am in that moment, even though I don't necessarily realise why.
On the other hand I almost wish I have more time - I need to complete my E-Portfolio for this second year - a complete farce but I have to jump through the hoops and get signed off to prove I am up to acceptable second year standard. Quite how E-Portfolio proves this is beyond most junior doctors! Oh for the old days where your Consultant had the final say and made the way for you with his/her colleagues for your preferred job if he/she thought you were worthy enough!
On more practical non working things I need to:
1. Visit the dentist - Urghhhhhh :o( the mere though of the drills makes me shudder!
2. Get a hair cut - arranged for the day before I leave back in Loughborough - thanks Mam :o)
3. Get my ISA sorted - they closed it 'cos I hadn't put enough money in it, Doh!
4. Buy the odd thing more for Malawi like insect repellent!
5. Get an appointment with GP nurse for vaccinations - they promised they would phone, but haven't, grrr!
6. Errrrrrr...nope can't actually think of anything more
Sorry about the list - lists help me think in a more ordered way, and since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one reading my blog it doesn't matter anyway! I know it's not necessarily the point of blogs to treat them like a diary but for some reason I'm having more success at actually writing something down every now and then when I never seem to be able to do the same with a diary. I'll be advertising this blog to friends nearer the time for going to Malawi so people can see what I'm up to and be able to pray if and when they would like to.
As a parting comment I got 76% in my Surgical exam back in April - got the official letter the other day :o) I did much better than I thought as the pass rate was 63%. Roll on Part B I'm gonna be a surgeon - wooooooo! I bet God's laughing at that last comment as when I forst went to medical school I was certain I wanted to do A&E medicine, nothing else would cut it! Dad always said I watched too much Casualty and ER - I think he was right but that is what helped me pass 5th year exams hehe!
Bye for now.
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