Saturday, 1 May 2010

Time Flies Part 2!!

Wow, it's been ages since I posted last.

Well I've now taken my MRCS exam - results out on 11 May - eeek! Other than that I've now settled into my new rotation at Worcester doing Vascular Surgery. Between clinics, theatre, and on-calls I don't seem to have much time on the ward, but that's fine because now for the first time I have House Officers to do ward work for me. Last week I performed my first couple of toe and forefoot amputations for infected gangrenous limbs, which was awesome. Though I unfortunately missed out on a below knee amputation yesterday as I had to help in one of the other Consultants clinics.

Clinics in Vascular surgery are a new experience. I'm expected to see and manage the patients on my own without a more senior doctor checking up on me. This was extremely scary at first but it went really well, and I now feel I have taken yet another step to being a grown up doctor instead of just a junior who doesn't have a clue.

On an entirely different note, I have had lots of driving lessons now and feel really comfortable behind the wheel and am taking my theory test in a few days time. I hope to have a car really soon.

I really should get to Tescos soon before it rains again -Fajitas are on the menu tomorrow as Katie and Tim are coming over for Vic's birthday, I also need plenty of night shift grub for next week. Back to being an Owl again!

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