It's been a month since I last posted anything - and I was planning to post at least once a week, oh well =(
I came across this amusing cartoon on the web earlier, depicting the very stereotyped Orthopod! They are renowned for being the thickest of the medical profession, and have many jokes to their name. My favourite being:
' How many Orthopods does it take to change a light bulb? One, refer to medics - darkness ?cause!'
So, what have I been up to in a month?......
1. Well work as an orthopaedic SHO continues. Still loving it =) Have had some more time in theatres and managed my first DHS op a few days ago. Inserting a dynamic hip screw into a patients hip is slightly easier than the afore mentioned Cannulated Screws, but nonetheless really exciting to do. I guess it's like venepuncture for med students - I will eventually get over the excitement of doing these things and it'll become boring and routine - but until then I will enjoy every moment!
2. I have booked a driving lesson for a few weeks time, and am terrified I have forgotten everything as it's been about 3 years now since I first had lessons. I now finally have some money to continue them (and a functioning knee!)
3. I booked my Malawi flights a few hours ago, although they still need to be confirmed by me ringing up South Africa Airlines at some point in the next few days. The official dates are 6th August till 1 January =)
4. Had a few hockey games =) One last week was for the first team (a friendly) against Cannock. Didn't do too badly, made some really good saves and we only lost 1-0. Yesterday I played for the third team against Bromsgrove who we beat 6-0, so I was pretty bored in the 2nd half!
5. And finally... MRCS part A is now booked - eek! I will be taking it in mid-April down in London. Some heavy duty revising will ensue!