You're wondering about the title of my blog?
Well it stems from something that really spoke to my heart probably about 3 years ago now. I was lent a missionary book by Vic called Give Me This Mountain which was written by Dr. Helen Roseveare a medical missionary who spent her life in the Congo. I've heard the words plenty of times - I've even sung them a few hundred, but had I ever stopped and thought about what it means?
Be still and KNOW that I AM God. In the silent stillness of nothingness I have come across God's presence and it is completely AWESOME :)
How little do I actually spend in stillness contemplating nothing but the awesomeness that is God - very little to answer that.
But I now notice more and more that God is in every little thing we do and it gets me every time - COOL.
I think I'm now rambling but maybe that's what blogs are about!